Sunday, June 17, 2012

The shows

This is the first time that we took you to watch the shows. It was a very good shows actually. We miss the puppet show as we lated however we still can watch the story show, the shadow show and the pantomine. And the pantomine that we watched is the most famous group in Thailand which called "babymime". I can see that you were very concentrated on the show especially the pantomine and laughed at them like you understand. So I think if there have another show, I'll take you to watch again.
After the shows, I had a meeting with my friends so we took you to the dinner with us.

lots of puppets

lots of children

shadow show

after dinner


  1. Mirin,You're adorable and clever !!!

  2. Hurrah, that’s what I was trying to get for, just what a stuff Presented at this blog!! Thanks admin of the site Recommended Reading



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